Shropshire Office
Back Lane
Bomere Heath
Norfolk Office
34 Queen Elizabeth Avenue
Kings Lynn
PE30 4BX
High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire.
Planning Application submitted and approved for a new two-storey rear extension.
Following an initial consultation with the applicants En-Plan drafted a planning application that was subsequently submitted to Wycombe Borough Council. The council have been happy to approve the proposal with no amendments and the applicant was happy that they will have a new lounge extension with master bedroom above at first floor level.
Permission is sought for the construction of a front canopy, a single storey side extension including garage conversion to habitable accommodation, a two storey rear extension with the insertion of 2 roof lights to side elevation at 14 Woodside Close.
The proposed canopy measures 5m wide by 1m deep and would extend across the width of the front of the property beside the garage. The proposed single storey side extension would project 1.1m to the side of the property for the depth of the existing garage. It is also proposed to put a pitched roof in place of the existing flat roof.This room would become a cinema room. The two storey side extension measures 5m wide by 5.25m long at the ground floor and 4.5m at first floor.
The property is situated in High Wycombe settlement in residential parking Zone B as identified in the Buckinghamshire Countywide Parking Guidance.
The application has been amended to relocate the proposed rear extension to the south side of the property and to reduce the depth of the extension at first floor. A revised site plan has also been submitted to showing proposed parking arrangements for the extended property.
The single storey extension to the side of the existing integral garage is also modest in scale and will retain a reasonable visual gap to the side of the property.Although both of these features will be visible within the street scene they will not be unduly prominent or look out of place.
The proposed rear extension would extend out level with the southern wall of the dwelling for a distance of 5.25m long at the ground floor and 4.5m at first floor and at 5m wide would be just over half the width of the dwelling.This is a large extension, but it would be situated on the existing level patio at the rear of the building and have a pitched roof which is set below the level of the main roof. Consequently will not look out of scale with the parent property.
The wall which rise up towards the rear of the site in line with what was probably the natural slope of the land before the houses were developed. There are flights of steps on both sides of the patio adjacent to the fence which lead up to the higher level of the garden. While it would have been preferable to see the extension set in from the side wall of the dwelling given it cannot be seen from the street scene, and this could not reasonably be insisted upon in this circumstance.
It is noted that the rear extension is proposed to be finished in self coloured render. The existing properties in this street including the application property are all finished in brick, although the use of render in a common feature in the Loudwater area generally. A light coloured render would reflect more light than brick and as the extension will not be visible within the street scene an objection on this basis could not be sustained. It is noted that the extension to the garage is to be finished in matching brickwork which is considered the right approach given the location of this addition within the street scene. It is proposed that this be covered by condition.
Concerns have been expressed about the impact of the development on the trees in Fennels Woods located at the rear of the site and managed by the Parish Council as a public amenity area. As the site of the extension is situated some distance below the wood and has already been excavated and levelled by the construction of the existing patio, the proposal will have no impact on the root system of the trees. The future management of the trees in the woods are matter for the parties concerned and the Council would only become involved if protected trees were involved.
Given the above the proposals were considered to respect the established character of the property and the street scene and planning permission was granetd. Since approval was granetd we have worked with the applicants to refine the design by way of varying of plannig conditions and non-material amendments, as well as Building Regulations advice.
If you would like to find out more about how our Planning Consultancy and Architectural Design Services can work in perfect sync to achieve a successful outcome in the planning system please contact us and we will be only too happy to talk through any questions or development proposals you may have.

March 2020
Planning Application and Building Regulations Approval received for a new Place of Worship.
En-Plan: Planning & Architecture have secured this change of use for a new place or worship in an existing commercial area via Planning Consent from North Norfolk Council and subsequent Full Plans Building Regulations approval for the revised layout.

Februrary 2022
HMO planning application approved in Greenfields, Shrewsbury.
En-plan are pleased to announce the approval of a new 6 bed HMO development in the Greenfields area of Shrewsbury that will provide much needed student accommodation for the town as the student population continues to grow.

February 2020
Pre-Application discussion receives favourable respons in Walsall in the West Midlands.
En-PLan: Planning & Architecture have received a favourable response from the Local Planning Authority to replace a stable block with a new residential unit in the West Midlands Green Belt. This has helped the prospective purchaser realise the potential in the site.

July 2021
Off rod poarking approved in the Monkmoor Conseravtion Area in Shrewbsury.
Utilising the front garden En-Plan were able to gain permission for a new off road parking space in the designated Monkmoor Conservation Area after extensive negotiations with the Highways Engineers at Shropshire County Council.

Februrary 2020
Holiday Let Planning Application receives approval in Bromlow, Shropshire.
Utilising the existing garage planning approval has been granted to change its use to a new holiday let in the heart of the Shropshire Countryside. The project will now progresses to the building regs stage. This was to ensure correct conversion techniques and fire safety.

August 2021
Contemporary extension approved in Copthorne, Shrewsbury.
En-Plan have gained permission for a contemporary rear extension in the residnetial area of Copthorne in Shrewsbury. The extension provide a new interface between the main house and garden, and breathes new life into the property.