Madeley, Telford, Shropshire.
New contemporary extension and garage conversion approved.
Application number: TWC/2017/0954
Application type: Full Planning
Site address: 14 Westerkirk Drive, Madeley, Telford, Shropshire, TF7 5RJ
Proposal: Erection of a single storey side and rear extension
Following an initial planning appraisal with the applicant a scheme was decided for a single-storey rear extension that would open up the living area and add bespoke bi-fold doors and roof lights to bring a light contemporary feel to the property whilst allowing a link to te newly converted garage via a new utilit area.
Concersn were raised by Telford & Wrekinn Council over the impact of the schem on 12 Westerkirk Drive as this detached property lies to the West of the applicant site and there are no level differences present, however, 12 Westerkirk Drive does lie forward of the application site and a close boarded fence lies in between the two properties.
There will be a distance of approximately 5.3 metres in between the side elevation of the proposed extension and the rear elevation of this neighbouring property. No windows are proposed in the side elevation of the extension which will face out towards this neighbouring property, however even if windows were to be installed under permitted development after completion these would not result in any undue loss of privacy.
Therefore; due to satisfactory scale, design and boundary treatments, officers are satisfied that the proposal will not result in a significantly detrimental impact on the amenity of the occupants of 12 Westerkirk Drive.
The application sailed through the planning process and no laterations or ammendmnets were required by the Planning Department and the applicant is now free to implement the permission, and as you can see below has made a great job of the work.
If you would like to find out more about how our Planning Consultancy and Architectural Design Services can work in perfect sync to achieve a successful outcome in the planning system please contact us and we will be only too happy to talk through any questions or development proposals you may have.

November, 2018
New basement and swimming pool approved in the Green Belt, in Upminster, Essex.
En-Plan: Planning & Architecture have secured planning approval for a new basement development and swimming pool in the Metropolitan Green Belt in Essex,
Please refer ot our Building Regulations page for more technical build projects.

March 2018
Planning Application for new residential development approved in Ramsey, Cambridgeshire.
Oultine Planning Approval has been granted by Huntingdon District Council for a ten unit development in the village of Ramsey.
The site is a former enginerring factory site and so the principle of development was acceptable and En-Plan were able to unlock the sites potential through a brand new access point.

November 2018
Bungalow extension and re-model Planning Application approved in Upminster, Essex.
With alterations to the roof design and balconies added to the newly created first floor bedrooms this re-model in the Green Belt has now moved to the building regs phase.
Please refer to our Residential Extensions Page for more example projects.

June 2022
Planning Application for a three bedroom residential extension to Broome Chapel approved.
Planning Permission has been granted for a two-storey rear extension to the existing Broome Chapekl to house the new faith leader at the Chapel.
The extension mirrors the style of the main chapel and forms a seamless additon to this Old Methodist Chapel in the heart of Norfolk.
En-Plan have also assited with Building Control matters.

January 14, 2017
Planning Application for loft conversion with dormers approved in Shrewsbury, Shropshire.
Bespoke zinc clad dormers added to this planning application to give it a contemporary stylish look and open up the converted loft space.
Please refer to our dedicated Loft Conversion pgae for more details and examples of successful projects in this field.

April 2021
A Planning Appeal has been allowed for a nerw agricultural workers dwelling in Bugle, Cornall.
Following a refusal against a new agricultural workers dwelling En-Plan were contacted ot assist with a Planning Appeal.
We subsequently represented the applicant at a Planning Hearing and were able to show the functional and financial need for a new dwelling, and how this was very much in the best interests of the rural economy.