Planning Application for Variation of Planning Condition to allow for an additonal bedroom in an approved development in Spalding submitted.
Following an initial planning appraisal with the client En-Plan: Planing & Architecture formulated and submitted a planning application to South Holland District Council that seeks to vary an approved development by virtue of improved plans that will add an additional bedroom and thereby increase the value of the property and potential rental yield. The main issue facing En-Plan has been the psotion of the proeprty in Flood Zone 3.
Site Context
Spalding is a market town with a rich history, located in the South Holland district of Lincolnshire, England. It's situated on the River Welland and is known for a variety of attractions and features.Historically, Spalding was renowned for its annual Flower Parade, which attracted many visitors. The parade celebrated the region's strong li nks to the flower-growing industry. The region around Spalding is a major area for tulip cultivation in the UK. At one time, the bulbs grown in the region were showcased in the aforementioned Flower Parade. In addition to flower cultivation, the area around Spalding has a strong agricultural presence, particularly in the production of vegetables. The proposal is within defined settlement limits and the surrounding area is characterised by dwellings of varying ages and design.
Flooding in Spalding
Spalding, like many towns situated near water bodies, has faced its share of flooding throughout history. Being located along the River Welland in Lincolnshire, it is vulnerable to flooding, particularly if the river breaches its banks.
Spalding, being situated near the River Welland, requires effective flood management strategies to safeguard its properties, agricultural lands, and infrastructure. Over the years, the Environment Agency and local authorities have implemented several measures to manage and mitigate the risks of flooding in Spalding and its surrounding areas. aks.
Flood management is an ongoing effort that requires the combination of engineering solutions, effective planning, public awareness, and constant vigilance. As climate patterns evolve and present new challenges, flood management strategies may also need to be regularly reviewed and updated.
South Holland Strategic Flood Risk Asssessment
The South Holland Strategic Flood Risk Assessment (SFRA) is a document typically produced by the local district council in collaboration with other stakeholders, including the Environment Agency. The purpose of such assessments is to determine the risk and extent of potential flooding in the area, guide planning decisions, and ensure that any future developments are aligned with flood risk management objectives.
nes for planners and developers on how to approach new developments or renovations in the district, considering flood risks.
The Planning Phase
To achieve the alterations to the approved residential development En-Plan worked with the Council in order to assit in the Planning assessment of the site as well as providing a Flood Risk Assessment. This is a Section 73 application for a two-storey side extension to provide one residential unit at 20A Bowditch Road, Spalding. The proposal will measure 6.2 metres in depth, 6.4 metres in width and seeks to provide a kitchen, utility, bin and bike store at ground floor level. Two bedrooms and an open plan kitchen, dining and living area will be provided at first floor level. The width of passage at ground floor level between 20 Bowditch Road and the proposed dwelling measures 1.3 metres. The proposal differs from the previously approval application under H16-0553-19 as a garage / bin / bike store, utility and entrance space was provided at ground floor level. A bedroom, bathroom and combined kitchen, dining and living area was sited at first floor level. Two off road parking places will be provided adjacent to the proposed dwelling. The submitted Flood Risk Assessment under H16-0553-19 shows no habitable rooms below 2.60 metres above ground level. Materials of construction would be addressed by condition.
The proposal is of the same size as the previous scheme. It provides an acceptable level of amenity for the future occupant and neighbouring properties without an overbearing, overlooking or overshadowing impact. The design is in keeping with that of the adjacent property and surrounding area, and although materials of construction details have not been provided, the submitted plans show a design that would appear to match that of 20 Bowditch Road.
In terms of flood risk, the site is located within Flood Zone 3 of the Environment Agency's Flood Maps. A sequential test therefore needs to be undertaken. The Sequential Test is a decision making tool designed to ensure that areas at little or no risk of flooding are developed in preference to areas of higher risk. Paragraph 158 of the National Planning Policy Framework advises that: "The aim of the Sequential Test is to steer new development to areas with the lowest probability of flooding.
Development should not be allocated or permitted if there are reasonably available sites appropriate for the proposed development in areas with a lower probability of flooding." For development to pass the sequential test it has to be demonstrated that there are no reasonably available alternative sites appropriate for the proposed development located in areas with a lower risk of flooding. The site, as situated, is located within Flood Zone 3 of the Environment Agency's Flood Map for Planning. The latest Agency Flood Maps have been created as a tool to raise awareness of flood risk with the public and partner organisations, such as Local Authorities, Emergency Services and Drainage Authorities. The Maps do not take into account any flood defences.
The South Holland Strategic Flood Risk Assessment (2017) is therefore used as a basis to apply the sequential test. In this respect, the site is located within an area identified as "Danger for All". However, it is not possible, consistent with wider sustainability objectives, for all new housing within the district to be delivered within an area of no risk and this is a less severe category. It is considered that there are no reasonably available alternative sites appropriate for the proposed development located in areas with a lower risk of flooding. In this respect, the Authority views reasonably available sites as those that are deliverable and developable (as defined by the NPPF) for the use proposed within the area, can accommodate the general requirements of the
development and are, in principle, in conformity with the objectives and advice within the National Planning Policy Framework and its associated National Planning Practice Guidance relating to sustainable development and flood risk.
If it is not possible to locate the development within an area of lower flood risk, the exceptions test should be applied. The NPPF and the PPG set out two elements to the Exceptions Test. First, proposed development is required to show that it will provide wider sustainability benefits to the community that outweigh flood risk, and second, that it will be safe for its lifetime without increasing flood risk elsewhere and, where possible, will reduce flood risk overall. This is aimed at allowing necessary development to go ahead in situations where suitable sites at lower risk of flooding are not available whilst helping ensure that flood risk to people and property will be managed satisfactorily.
In terms of the first element, the proposal will provide wider sustainability benefits to the community that outweigh flood risk; that is, the provision of additional housing in a sustainable location within the district. In terms of the latter, the Environment Agency has recommended that the properties be two-storey with no habitable rooms below 2.6 metres above ground level.
Properties with a maximum of three bedrooms are requested to have a minimum of two allocated parking places in accord with Appendix 6 of the SELLP. This proposal accords with Appendix 36 of the adopted local plan and was deemed acceptable by the Planning Department in this respect.
In light of the above considerations the proposal is considered to be in accordance with Policies 1, 2, 3, 4, 10, 11, 17, 36 and Appendix 6 of the South East Lincolnshire Local Plan, 2019, as well as Sections 5, 12 and 14 of the National Planning Policy Framework, 2019. A delegated approval was considered to be appropriate.
Further Information
If you would like to find out more about how our Planning Consultancy and Architectural Design Services can work in perfect sync to achieve a successful outcome in the planning system please contact us and we will be only too happy to talk through any questions or development proposals you may have.

July 2020
Application submitted to extend and re-model an existing barn conversion .
En-Plan: Planning & Architecture have submitted a planning application to extend an existing barn in order to provide additional habitable accommodation and take the barn from an ad-hoc development to a comprehensively designed entity capable of meeting the owners changing requirements.

September 2022
New residential conversion schem approved in Cannock Town Centre.
En-Plan: Planning & Architecture have received approval for a change of use application in Cannock that allows for the coversion of the upper floors of Cromwell House in Cannock to residential use.
Please refer to our Residentail Development page for furthr exmaples of successful projects in this field.

August 2021
Planning Application submitted for a house re-model in Coventry.
En-Plan: Planning & Architecture have submitted a planning application for a contemporary conservatory extension and re-modelling of the exterior of the house through render and new glazing at this property in Allesley, Coventry. Please refer to our House Extensions page for more examples of successful extensions.

November 2021
Planning Appeal for seven bedroom HMO allowed in Wrexham, Wales.
En-Plan: Planning & Architecture have received approval from the Plannig Inspectorate for the coversion of an eixtsing hosue to a seven bed house in mutliple occupation in Stansty Road In Wrexham.
En-Plan ahve also provide te technical fit out detail for the project required by Building Control.

June 2022
Building Regulations Application receives approval in Shrewsbury.
En-Plan: Planning & Architecture have received approval for a Building Regulations Full Plans Application for a new kitchen and lounge extension in Copthorne, Shrewsbury. The approval allows the owner to progress the project with an approved build specification which will ensure the success of the project.

October 2022
Plannig application for barn conversion and detached garage approved.
En-Plan: Planning & Architecture have received approval from Shropshire County Council for the conversion of an eixtsing barn and the creation of a new detached workshop and garage that will hosue the owners motorbike collection
Technical detail was also provided to buidling control during the project.