Planning Application for a new residential annex and home office submitted to Birmingham City Council.
Following an initial planning appraisal with the client En-Plan: Planing & Architecture formulated and submitted a planning application to Birmingham City Council for new residential annex and home office. The planning application will also add a new shower room thereby providing semi-independent accommodation to augment the main unit.
Site and Surroundings
The application site itself comprises of a semi-detached dwelling with a hipped roof design. There is evidence of the property previously being extended with a single storey rear and covered side entry. The rear garden of
the house is predominantly laid to lawn and is enclosed by wooden fencing. There is a shared access way
located to the rear of the application site.The property is located within an area of a residential nature with s urrounding properties being of a similar age and design. Both neighbouring properties have evidence of being extended and there are detached structures located to the bottom of the gardens. There are a number of detached structures visible within the surrounding area.
The proposed outbuilding complies with the 45 Degree Code and as such the proposal would not result in adverse detrimental harm to the amenities of the neighbouring occupiers by virtue of loss of light or outlook. It is also noted that the outbuilding is at a sufficient distance away from the nearest habitable rooms of the
neighbouring dwellings. The proposed doors and the proposed window to the side elevations of the outbuilding fail to meet the required 5m per storey separation distance. It is acknowledged that the window is annotated to be fitted with obscure glazing. Although these glass doors fail to meet the required 5m distance, due to the presence of the boundary treatment which would provide mitigation, I consider that the proposal
would not cause adverse detrimental overlooking or loss of privacy to the neighbouring occupiers. Whilst I acknowledge that some of the fence panels on one side have been removed on site, due to the boundary treatment allowed under permitted development, I am satisfied that there would be sufficient mitigation to
ensure no detrimental loss of privacy or overlooking into the neighbouring garden. Complies with principles contained in Extending Your Home.
Birmingham City Council felt the planning application was acceptable in terms of scale, mass and design. The proposed development is confined to the rear of the application site and would have no adverse impact upon the forward street scene. There are also many detached structures/garages/outbuildings within the surrounding area of varying sizes and designs. I consider that the proposed outbuilding would not cause adverse detrimental harm to the architectural character or appearance of the main house or the visual amenity of the area. It is also acknowledged that a planning approval was granted in 2018 (ref: 2018/01371/PA) for a detached garage to the rear in the same location which has not been built. The proposed outbuilding is to be used as a residential annex and home office. A condition is attached to ensure that the use of the outbuilding remains of an incidental use to the main house. A condition is also attached for details of the materials to be submitted to and approved by the local authority prior to any works. If you would like to view similar applications please refer to our Garages, Annexes and Outbuildings page.
Further Information
If you would like to find out more about how our Planning Consultancy and Architectural Design Services can work in perfect sync to achieve a successful outcome in the planning system please contact us and we will be only too happy to talk through any questions or development proposals you may have.

July 2020
Application submitted to extend and re-model an existing barn conversion .
En-Plan: Planning & Architecture have submitted a planning application to extend an existing barn in order to provide additional habitable accommodation and take the barn from an ad-hoc development to a comprehensively designed entity capable of meeting the owners changing requirements.

June 2022
Plannig application for new off road parking approved in Monkmoor, Shrewsbury.
En-Plan: Planning & Architecture have received approval for a new off road parking development following negotiation with both the Heritage Officer nad the Highways Engineer in order to gain support for the developemnt in the Monkmoor Conservation Area in Shrewsbury, Shropsjire.

July 2020
Planning Application submitted for a house re-model in Coventry.
En-Plan: Planning & Architecture have submitted a planning application for a contemporary conservatory extension and re-modelling of the exterior of the house through render and new glazing at this property in Allesley, Coventry. Please refer to our House Extensions page for more examples of successful extensions.

May 2021
Loft converion and extension approevd in Meole Brace, Shrewsbury.
En-Plan: Planning & Architecture have garnered planning approval for a loft conversion and extension at a property on Meole Crescent in Shrewsbsury, that allows for a zinc seam dormer to the rear roof plain, and a new kitchen extension at ground floor. Technical build detail was also provided for the project.

July 2020
Building Regulations Application receives approval in Shrewsbury.
En-Plan: Planning & Architecture have received approval for a Building Regulations Full Plans Application for a new kitchen and lounge extension in Copthorne, Shrewsbury. The approval allows the owner to progress the project with an approved build specification which will ensure the success of the project.

August 2023
Heritage Statement enabales planning approval in Belle Vue, Shrewsbury
En-Plan: Planning & Architecture have worked as part of a multi-disci[pinary team on a residential development project in the Belle Vue Conservation Srea and provided the Heritage Statement that has allowed the development to progress towards appproval by demonstrating the suitability of the scheme.