The Red Lion, Bailey Head, Oswestry, Shropshire.
Planning and Listed Building Consent Application for two-storey kitchen and function room extension.
En-Plan: Planning & Architecture are now acting as the Planning & Architectural Consultants for Red Lion Public House, which is a Grade II Listed Building located in the heart of the Oswestry Conservation Area. En-Plan have submitted both a full planning application and a Listed Building Consent Application to Shropshire County Council and approval for both elements has been received. The properties lies within the area of Bailey Head which serves as a focal point of the town and has a significant historical and architectural significance. Bailey Head is situated at the heart of Oswestry, where several important streets intersect, including Bailey Street, Cross Street, and Beatrice Street. It is a central square or junction that has been a bustling part of the town for centuries. Bailey Head has a long history dating back to medieval times. The name "Bailey" suggests that it may have been the location of a bailey or outer defense of the Oswestry Castle, which was a motte-and-bailey castle built in the 11th century. The castle no longer remains, but Bailey Head continues to be an important area in Oswestry's history. Throughout history, Bailey Head has been a focal point for markets and trading activities. It has been a bustling marketplace where vendors would sell a variety of goods and produce. Today, the square still hosts regular markets and events, attracting locals and visitors alike. Bailey Head is surrounded by several historic buildings that contribute to its charm and character. Some notable structures include the Wynnstay Arms Hotel, a 19th-century coaching inn, and the former Swan Inn, which is now occupied by various shops. These buildings showcase different architectural styles and provide a glimpse into Oswestry's architectural heritage. In addition to its historical significance, Bailey Head also serves as a community space for gatherings and events. It has benches and seating areas for people to relax and enjoy the surroundings. The square often hosts festivals, fairs, and other community events, creating a vibrant atmosphere.
Bailey Head is considered an important heritage area in Oswestry, with its historical associations, architectural features, and role as a central gathering place. It continues to be a significant part of the town's identity and is cherished by residents and visitors alike.
The Red Lion Inn is a Grade II Listed building situated within the Conservation Area of Oswestry accessed off Bailey Head. The existing Inn dates from the early nineteenth century consisting of stucco over red brick, with some red brick to the rear, roofed with concrete tiles.
The challenges that we faced were the position of the building in the Oswestry Conservation Area and the listed status of the building. The official listed entry for the property on the is as follows:
SJ 2929 NW 14/14
OSWESTRY C.P. BAILEY HEAD (east side) The Red Lion Inn
House, now inn. Early C19 with later additions and alterations. Stuccoed red brick with concrete tile roof and red brick end stack to right. 2 storeys to main range with 3 storeys to gable on left; 1:3 windows, 16-paned glazing bar sashes with painted stone cills, canted bay window to centre of main range, which has Roman Doric porches with plain entablatures to left and right, former with C20 half-glazed door and rectangular overlight, latter smaller and infilled.
In terms of the assessment of the planning application aginst Shropshire Planning Policy, Policy CS3 states that “key centres” should maintain and enhance their roles in providing facilities and services to their rural hinterland, providing foci for economic development. The policy goes on to say, providing that the employment development is appropriate in its scale and character with appropriate infrastructure is in place, the policy would actively support the delivery of new office locations within town centres. Policies CS13 and CS15 positively encourages the support of sustainable economic development protecting the vitality and viability of town centres, especially where the infrastructure is already in place. Substantiating that supporting the growth of existing businesses and fostering new enterprise would assist in the provision of jobs and higher pay for the local community. Policy SC17 and MD13 require heritage assets to the protected, conserved and
sympathetically enhanced.
Policy CS6 and MD2 aims for new development to respond appropriately to the form and layout of the existing development and the way it functions, including mixture of uses, streetscape, building heights and lines, scale, density, plot sizes and local patterns of movement. New development must also reflect local characteristic architectural design and details, such as building materials, form, colour and texture of detailing, taking account of their scale and proportion. Development must also protect, conserve and enhance the historic context and character of heritage assets, their significance and setting, in accordance with MD13.
Therefore, the principle of extending an established business within the market town of Oswestry is supported subject to the proposed extension be sympathetic to the Listed Building and its setting.
The proposed conversion and rebuilding of the existing single storey extension into a two storey extension is to house a new restaurant area, kitchen and function room on the first floor. There is to be an external stairs area included within the scheme also. The applicants wish to expand their business to include more space for a restaurant and a function room to allow them to develop this sustainable business. The existing 'lean-to' structure (painted brick with concrete tiles) consists of ancillary storage. The conservation team were notified of the proposal advising that the structure subject to this application appears to be a later structure with limited significance. Therefore the conservation team had no principle objections to the proposed conversion and rebuilding of this space, along with the external staircase which should be painted black. There are some incidental views to the rear courtyard, albeit mainly from private yards, so it is considered that impact upon the existing character and appearance of the conservation area would be limited and that the impact upon any fabric of significance of the listed building would also be limited. There had been concerns raised by the conservation team with regards the proposed detailing of the windows with the advice provided for smaller windows should be found on the upper storey, where there should be a clear hierarchy of windows. Given that this would be an ancillary wing, the window fenestration should be simple with recommendations that these should be simple flush fitting 2x2 casement units, rather than sash replicas.
Having considered the amended drawings, the amended fenestration detailing is noted, where the proposed details have been amended satisfactorily. Therefore previous objections of the conservation team were withdrawn subject to conditions. The details and proportion of the conversion and first floor extension subject to conditions is considered acceptable and would not be considered to have significant detrimental impact upon heritage asset and conservation officer.
En-Plan established a good working relationship with the Council Planning Department and were able to refine the design in conjunction with the Planning and Conservation Officer and work towards approval which was granted following alterations to the fenestration proposed. En-Plan are subsequently worked with the applicant to submit a non-material amendment to the original approval to deal with changes the applicant wishes to make post approval, and we have also working on a building regulations application to cover the technical detail of the build and incorporate the structural calculations for the steel frame that forms the central frame of the extension..
Following approval of both the planning and building control elements of the scheme En-Plan were able to gain consent for the replacement of the widows to the front of the property with double hung sash windows to enhance the thermal efficiency of the building and improve the overall aesthetic. For this En-Plan worked in partnership with The Heritage Glass Group in order to provide the sectional detail required to satisfy the Conservation Specialist at Shropshire County Council.
As of January 2023 En-Plan have been working with tyhe onwers as the project is now up and runing. We are assisting ina Party Wall Agreement with the owners of the Powis Market Hall in Oswestry as the new extension with sit adjacent to the Powis Market Hall which is owned and operated by Oswestry Town Council. The Agreemnt has allowed the project to contineu and we are assiting in the discharge of Planning Conditons governing external finish and joinery. The project is now at te stage where the steel frame which was provided by Steel Up is now in place with the Structural Calculations provided by JPS from Chester.
We will be regularly updating this page as the project continues.
If you have any further questions or would like to have a free no obligation consultation please CONTACT US.