Market Street, Oakengates, Telford, Shropshire.
Proposal: Subdivision of retail unit to 4no. units and alterations to shop fronts with change of use from retail (Use class A1) to mixed use retail and professional services (Use class A1 & A2) (Retrospective).
Following the initial planning appraisal and discussion wit the applicant the scheme was formulated to convert the first and second (attic space) floors in order to provide resindential accommodation with existing storage areas at ground floor converted to separate retail units, whilst athe same time regularising existing development that did not have the benfit of planing permission so in essence dealing with two issues under one planning application.
Due to the site being a town centre location parking provision was not an issue and a such the applcant could maximise the accommodation whilst not being restricted by providing high levels of parking that is ofetn required at out of centre locations, and thereby show the council there would be no highways and access issues.
The application itself invloved very little new built form but looked to change the use of the existing built form and regularise the change s of use that had occurred in the existing retail and professional service units on site. the application did not encounter any hold ups during the approval process and the applicant moving onot the Building Regulations phase and again En-Plan were able to secure detailed consent for the house in multiple occupation conversion.
With Phase 1 complete the applicant is now moving onto Phase two.
If you would like to find out how our Planning Consultancy and Architectural Services can work in unison to deliver you success please contact us below and we would be more than happy to discuss any development proposals you may have.