2 Bridge Terrace, Lower Bar, Newport, Shropshire, TF10 7JB
En-Plan were approached to act as the Planning & Architectural Consultants for a local builder to improve his newly acquired Listed Building with both planing consent and Listed building Consent to cover the alterations to allow for the opening up of the ground floor which included liaising with structural engineers to facilitate the technical detail that would allow for the internal alterations. The planning application and listed building consent application also allowed for the conversion of the outbuildings to a games room to enable the accommodation to provide the best configuration for the family. Internally within the dwelling it is proposed to remove an existing wall and chimney breast at ground floor between the dining room and kitchen, and block up the existing door to a small store room at first floor. The store room will be converted to an en-suite and a new opening created within the bedroom wall to provide access. The application premises is an early 19th Century, two storey dwelling which is currently vacant and in the process of being renovated. The property is Grade ll listed, mid terrace located within the Newport Conservation Area and an area of archaeological interest.
The application seeks listed building consent for external and internal alterations to facilitate the conversion of an outbuilding for the use as an office and games room, including the installation of two rooflights. The application also proposes internal alterations to the main dwelling, Bridge Terrace, Lower Bar, Newport.
Newport began to develop as a settlement in the 12th century when a market was established there. It grew as a market town and became an important center for trade and commerce. The town's name, Newport, means "new market." During the English Civil War in the 17th century, Newport played a role as a Royalist stronghold. The town was besieged and captured by Parliamentary forces in 1643. The historic church of St. Nicholas in Newport was damaged during this period and later rebuilt. The 18th and 19th centuries saw significant changes in Newport due to the Industrial Revolution. The Shrewsbury Canal, which passed through the town, brought economic growth and industrial development. Industries such as ironworking, pottery, and brewing flourished. Newport became an important transportation hub with the arrival of the railway in the 19th century. The town was connected to the national rail network with the opening of Newport railway station in 1862. In the 20th century, Newport continued to grow and adapt to changing times. It remained an important market town, with a variety of shops, businesses, and services catering to the local community. The town's historic character and architecture have been preserved, with several buildings and landmarks of historical significance. Today, Newport is a thriving market town with a mix of historic charm and modern amenities. It serves as a center for local commerce, education, and tourism, attracting visitors to its markets, independent shops, and nearby attractions such as the Ironbridge Gorge, a UNESCO World Heritage site.
The existing outbuilding structure is located on the side, south boundary, connected to the rear elevations of the host property, no. 2, and also the neighbouring no. 1 Bridge Terrace. The section of the outbuilding connected to the dwellings is 1 ½ storeys in height and is within the ownership of no.1. The end section of the outbuilding is within the applicant’s ownership and the subject of this application, along with a smaller section to the rear. The ground floor and a small first floor section of the outbuilding are currently used for storage with two doors and a small window within the side, north elevation and a timber double door within the end elevation. The outbuilding is constructed with red brick and a pitched slate roof, and is in need of repair.
The property is within a terrace of residential properties with the flats of Brook House opposite, to the west, and Newport Lock to the south. Newport town centre is located within walking distance to the south.
Built Heritage Conservation: Support subject to conditions
I have no objection to the proposal which seek to make moderate refurbishments to this grade ll listed building. The frontage itself is not being altered, the works being contained to a rear outbuilding and some internal alterations. The chimney being proposed for removal is a later addition and has not been functioning for some time. Its loss is not problematic, however, the breast supports a chimney going through the floor above and exiting to the roof line and must be supported. Whilst I understand that the applicant has sought the advice of the structural engineer, the report about how this removal will be achieved has not been demonstrated here. I must assume that an engineering solution will be applied in the form of an RSJ but this is not illustrated on the plan in detail. I cannot see a report submitted either on the documents attached to the application. In the absence of such I would ask for a condition for a brief report and a section of the engineering works to be submitted pre-commencement. Otherwise I am satisfied that all the information submitted is acceptable.
There is no objection to the external alterations to the outbuilding, which utilise existing openings with the inclusion of timber framed windows and doors. The proposed timber framed rooflights to the north facing slope will create new openings, however, these are minor additions to which there is no objection.
The Conservation Officer raises no objection to either the works to the outbuilding or the moderate internal refurbishments, and supports the proposal as the principal façade would not be affected. An engineering report was submitted at the request of the conservation officer to provide details for the removal of the internal chimney breast, which has been assessed and is considered to be acceptable.
It is therefore considered that the character and special interest of the listed building would be maintained and the building as a heritage asset within the Newport Conservation Area would be conserved.
The site is located within an area of archaeological interest, although a response of no comment has been received from Shropshire Council.
Ecology officers have completed the required habitat regulations assessment as the application property is within 10km of the European Designated Site at Aqualate Mere Midland Meres and Mosses Ramsar Phase 2. It has been concluded that there will be no likely significant effect and no effect on the integrity of the European Designated Sites. Informatives have been requested relating to bats and nesting birds, which will be applied accordingly.
Matters including the effect on amenity and the acceptability of the use will be considered by the corresponding full application.
The proposal is considered to be acceptable as it would maintain the character, special historic interest and setting of the Grade II listed building. The proposal would also preserve the character and appearance of the Newport Conservation Area, thereby according with both local policy and national policy guidance.
Application Ref: TWC/2015/0310
Application Type: Full Planning
Date Valid: 16/04/2015
Location: 2 Bridge Terrace, Lower Bar, Newport, Shropshire, TF10 7JB
Proposal: Conversion of outbuilding to be used as a home office and games room and installation of two rooflights
Decision: Full Granted
Decision Date: 28/05/2015
Application Ref: TWC/2015/0311
Application Type: Listed Building
Date Valid: 16/04/2015
Location: 2 Bridge Terrace, Lower Bar, Newport, Shropshire, TF10 7JB
Proposal: Removal of internal wall between kitchen and dining room at ground floor level, block up doorway and form a new opening creating an en-suite for a first floor bedroom. Conversion of outbuilding to be used as a home office and games room and installation of two rooflights.
Decision: Listed Building Granted
Decision Date: 28/05/2015
Useful Information on Listed Building Consent
Listed Buildings are protected under the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 which states that ‘no person shall execute or cause to be executed any works for the demolition of a listed building or for its alteration or extension in any manner which would affect its character as a building of special architectural or historic interest, unless the works are authorised’. Works of demolition, alteration or extension are authorised by the local planning authority (or by the Secretary of State) by the granting of listed building consent. Making such alterations without consent is a criminal offence which, on conviction, can result in substantial fines or even a prison sentence. The rules and regulations surrounding the changes you are able to make to listed buildings are often misunderstood, sometimes confusing and can be a little overwhelming for owners to digest. Most local authorities no longer provide the help and advice they provided to listed building owners in the past which further compounds the problem. Historic England released figures in 2017 showing that the number of conservation officers in local authorities has fallen for yet another year, falling by 36% since 2006. The continued fall in conservation officers in local authorities has meant that owners have less experts to turn to for help and advice.
Applying for listed building consent & planning permission
Applications for listed building consent or planning permission are made to the relevant local authority. They can be made online through the national Planning Portal or in paper directly to the local planning authority. An application will normally be allocated to a planning case officer who will consult the conservation officer (and the national amenity societies in more significant cases) before making a recommendation to either permit of refuse consent. Securing listed building consent is not always a straightforward process, but according to Historic England, almost 90% of listed building consent applications are approved. It is, however, worth noting that many proposed listed building alterations do not make it to the formal application stage and some are withdrawn prior to determination. Where consent is refused, or where it is granted subject to conditions which are considered to be unnecessary or unreasonable, the applicant has the right of appeal to the Secretary of State. All applications must eb accompanied by a Heritage Statement and teh required plans and digital mapping.
Extensions to Listed Buildings
The local planning authority will expect any application to extend a listed building to be sensitively designed and to positively preserve the building’s special architectural or historic interest. Extensions, where acceptable in principle, are normally required to be modest in their scale, siting and materials so that they do not dominate the listed building or detract from its character. Some extensions offer a positive opportunity to enhance the listed building either by removal of less sympathetic extensions from the past or by the positive contribution that the new extension makes itself. Some listed buildings lend themselves to being extended whereas some do not. In some situations achieving a good design with modest impact can be extremely challenging and is likely to require the skills of a good conservation architect. Pre-application discussions with the local planning authority can help to give an indication of whether proposals are likely to be worth committing time and expense to.
How long does listed building consent take
Local authorities aim to make a decision on planning and listed building consent all applications within eight weeks which includes a statutory 21 day consultation period so that neighbours and other interested parties can comment on the proposal. Historic England are consulted on applications involving demolition of Grade I or II* listed buildings. A pre-application enquiry can help speed things along by identifying any potential issues early on in the planning process. No work on a building of any listing Grade should begin until consent has been granted, and any pre-commencement conditions attached to the consent have been complied with.
If you want to discuss your listed building alteration plans with our team of specialists, or need more information on listed building consent, get in touch with us. We’ll be able to provide good advice on how best to proceed.
If you have any further questions or would like to have a free no obligation consultation please CONTACT US.