New Road, Madeley, Telford.
Planning approved for new first floor extension.
Following an initial consultation with the applicants En-Plan drafted a scheme that was subsequently submitted to and approved by Telford & Wrekin Council for the proposed first floor extension to allow for a new bedroom. The extension would then be rendered and new bi-folding doors added to give it a more contemporary feel.
Telford & Wrekin Local Plan 2011-2031:
BE1 Design Criteria
BE2 Residential Alterations
Madeley Neighbourhood Plan
National Guidance:
National Planning Policy Framework
The application is for the erection of a two storey rear extension and detached garage. Whilst the extension has not been set down and the render proposed does not match the existing house, due to its position at the rear of the property and its form, it is not considered to detract from the appearance of the property. As it is on the rear of the property, neither would it be highly visible within the street scene.
The detached garage is of a similar footprint as the existing garage which is being replaced albeit with a small area of decking on the side elevation looking into the application site. The proposed ridge height of the garage is higher than the existing garage but due to its position and orientation, it is not considered to have any increased impact on the neighbouring property.
The Local Planning Authority considers that the scale and design of the proposals are acceptable, would be in keeping with and would not harm the character of the property and would respect and respond positively to its context and the surrounding area. It is considered that the proposed scheme would not have any detrimental im pact upon the amenity of the occupants of any neighbouring properties. As such, the proposal is considered to be compliant with the Development Plan and National Planning Policy Guidance. AS the proeprty is in a Conservation Area a Design and Access Statement was required alongside the formal planning application.
The Local Planning Authority has acted positively and proactively in determining this application by assessing the proposal against all material considerations, including planning policies and any representations that may have been received, and subsequently determining to grant planning permission in accordance with the presumption in favour of sustainable development as set out in the National Planning Policy Framework.
If you would like to find out more about how our Planning Consultancy and Architectural Design Services can work in perfect sync to achieve a successful outcome in the planning system please contact us and we will be only too happy to talk through any questions or development proposals you may have.
Further Information on the Madeley Neighbourhood Plan
The Government has introduced a new type of planning document, called a Neighbourhood Development Plan. It is part of a new approach to planning, which aims to give local people more say about what goes on in their area. This is set out in the ‘Localism Act 2011’ that came into force in April 2012.
Communities can now develop their own detailed planning policies to inform future planning proposals in the local area. However, they must be based on sound evidence, community involvement and the proper principles of planning. Extensive consultation has taken place with people in Madeley and others with an interest in the town. The Consultation Statements can be downloaded from Madeley Town Council’s website (www.madeleytowncouncil.gov.uk) or are available from Madeley Town Council offices at Jubilee House, High Street, Madeley.
The Consultation Statements provide an overview of the consultation to date, proving that it fully accords with the requirements of the Localism Act. This includes the formal 6 week consultation carried out to meet the requirements of Regulation 14 of the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012, together with a further three week period on the changes to the retail policy and plans. The Plan has been amended where appropriate in response to these formal consultation comments.
The Government requires all Neighbourhood Development Plans to be in line with higher level planning policy. This means Neighbourhood Development Plans must conform to the National Planning Policy Framework (otherwise known as the NPPF) and local strategic planning policy, in our case, Telford & Wrekin Council’s adopted Core Strategy. The Core strategy specifically identifies the important role played by District Centres such as Madeley and the need to physically regenerate the existing
The Plan, composed by local people, will influence how any further new development should be handled and identifies those special places which should not be developed or where limited development may be possible if it is sensitively designed.
An adopted Neighbourhood Plan will sit alongside Telford & Wrekin Council’s strategic planning policy and help decide the outcome of planning applications. Although deciding how any future proposals for new housing and employment should be handled is important, the Plan is about much more than this. The Plan looks at a wide range of issues, including:
• How we can provide better housing for local people
• How we can protect and enhance our green spaces
• How we can support Madeley Town centre and the local economy and provide jobs for local people
• How we can protect and enhance our local heritage#
• How we can encourage more walking and cycling and public transport usage around the Plan Area
• How we can improve accessibility between our communities, our Town Centre and our employment areas.
This Plan is divided into two sections:
• Section 1 sets out:
1 Introduction
2 A background of Madeley
3 How the Plan was developed.
4 The issues and Core Objectives
• Section 2: Neighbourhood Development Plan Policies, which sets out policies to deliver the Core Objectives and how the policies will be monitored.
This entire document forms the Neighbourhood Development Plan for Madeley, under the Localism Act 2011 for the plan period 2014 – 2031. There is a large amount of background information that has helped in producingthe Plan (this is known as the ‘Evidence Base’). A summary document (MadeleyNeighbourhood Plan: Evidence Base Summary) is available on the Madeley TownCouncil’s website and provides an overview of key parts of the Evidence Base.
If you would like to find out more about how our Planning Consultancy and Architectural Design Service can work in perfect sync to achieve a successful outcome in the planning system please contact us and we will be only too happy to talk through any questions or development proposals you may have.

September 2019
Listed Building Consent granted in Minsterley, Shropshire
En-Plan: Planning & Architecture have secured Listed Building Consent for both internal and external alterations to this Grade 2 Listed Building in the heart of the Shropshire Countryside.

September 2019
New residential development apporved in Cannock.
Planning Permission has been granted for the conversion of the two upper floors of Cromwell House in Cannock Centre.
Twelve new flast have been created as a result of planning Conent.

September 2019
Residential application submitted in Gateshead, Northumberland
With contemporary zinc clad roofs and modern vernacular this recent submission for two new units will take full advantage of it's rural setting to form a stunning development.

June 2020
House and Loft Extension Application approved in Littleover, Derby.
This proposed house extension application has added two new bedrooms in an extended and converted loft space as well as adding a new garden room at ground floor so as to improve the communal space.

September 2019
House Extension Application submitted in High Wycombe.
This proposed house extension application to add a two-storey rear extension, and a new cinema room to the fore, has just been submitted to High Wycombe Council.

November 2020
Change of use application approved in Thorpe St. Andrew in Norwich.
A new flat has been approved by Broadland Council via the conversion of an existing hairdressing Salon in a row of exidsting commercial units.
The new flats creates a new sustainable residential unit.