Wereham, King's Lynn, Norfolk.
New garage approved in the Wereham Conservation Area.
Following an initial planning application by another agent En-Plan: Planning & Architecture were approached to re-design and re-submit the a planning application to overcome the initial objections of the Planning Department at King's Lynn & West Norfolk Council.
The proposal was for a detached garage at a property within the Wereham Conservation Area, which there is a duty to protect and enhance. The property is also shown within a group of important unlisted buildings within the Wereham Conservation Area Character Statement.
REgarding the site contect Wereham itself is a small village located in the county of Norfolk, England. It has a long and interesting history that stretches back many centuries. The area around Wereham has evidence of human habitation since ancient times. Archaeological findings, including flint tools and pottery fragments, indicate early settlement in the area dating back to the Neolithic and Bronze Age periods. During the Roman occupation of Britain, Wereham was situated within the territory of the Iceni tribe. The Romans had a significant presence in the region, and traces of their occupation, such as coins and pottery fragments, have been discovered in the area. Wereham's history during the medieval period is closely tied to its proximity to Downham Market, a nearby market town. The village likely developed as a small agricultural settlement, with farming and agriculture being the primary economic activities. Wereham has a manor house that dates back to the 15th century, known as Wereham Hall. The manor was historically associated with the Walpole family, who were influential landowners in the region. The village's parish church, St. Margaret's Church, also has medieval origins and features architectural elements from different periods. Like many villages in Norfolk, Wereham has a strong agricultural heritage. Throughout its history, the village relied on farming as a primary source of income and sustenance. Crops such as wheat, barley, and peas were cultivated, while livestock farming, including sheep and cattle, was also important. Wereham has seen some modern development and changes in recent years. The village has expanded, with the construction of new residential properties to accommodate a growing population. Despite these changes, Wereham retains its rural character and maintains its sense of community.
Today, Wereham remains a small and peaceful village that offers a glimpse into Norfolk's rural heritage. The village's historical buildings, surrounding landscapes, and agricultural connections contribute to its charm and appeal. Exploring local records, visiting the village, or engaging with local historical societies can provide a more comprehensive understanding of Wereham's history, and it was with this in mind En-Plan were mindful to use a traditonal design in the formal planning application.
The NPPF states that the significance of listed buildings and conservation areas can be harmed through alteration to them and by development in their setting (paragraph 132). The NPPF requires that development should be sympathetic to local character & history including the surrounding built environment, establish or maintain as strong sense of place (para.127 c & d),and the desirability of new development making a positive contribution to local character/distinctiveness (para. 192 c).
En-Plan produced amended plans and digital mapping throughout the course of this application which reduced the size of the proposed garage to a single storey, minimising the prominence of this detached structure on the overall street scene and the surrounding non-designated heritage assets. Proposed materials are considered acceptable for the form and character of the area. The design waas therefore considered acceptable by the Planning Departrment.
The proposal is located some distance from residential neighbours, and separated from the adjacent terraced cottages by the highway. Impacts such as overbearing or overshadowing are therefore considered unlikely. No neighbour objections have been received. The impact on neighbours is therefore considered acceptable.
Other material impacts: No
The Local Highway Authority stated no objection to the proposal subject to the access being considered lawful by the LPA. Having considered the evidence available as well as historic records on the site, it would appear that the access has been in this position for in excess of the required period and would therefore be exempt from enforcement control and considered lawful and presents no highways and access issues.
Utilising a more subtle design and utilisng architectural visualisation in order to display the planning application in its best light En-Plan were able to secure a planning approval in this sensitive location that not only delivers the garage required by the applicant but also "preserves & enhances" the Conservation Area within which it is set.
Carstone, also known as carrstone, is a sedimentary rock and a form of sandstone. It is found in various parts of the UK, notably in Norfolk and the surrounding areas. Carstone is typically a ferruginous (iron-rich) sandstone, which gives it its characteristic reddish-brown color. The use of this locally sourced material will match the St Margaret's Church in Wereham, Norfolk, whihc is a historic church that's part of the Church of England. As with many older churches in the UK, St Margaret's likely has a long history spanning several centuries. The specific features, age, architecture, and historical significance of such churches can be quite varied and often reflects changes and adaptations made over the years, as they've been renovated, expanded, or restored.
One of the notable aspects of some churches in Norfolk, including possibly St Margaret's, is the use of local building materials, such as the aforementioned carstone (or carrstone). This gives many of the older buildings in the region a distinctive reddish-brown appearance.
This material has been used historically in local building construction because of its availability in the region. Buildings made from carstone have a distinct appearance due to the rock's color and texture.
It's worth noting that the quality and appearance of carstone can vary depending on the exact location from which it's sourced, and like all natural stones, there might be variations in color, texture, and other properties.
Further Information
To find out more about the Planning rules concerning garages and outbuildings and also development in Conservation Areas please click on the underlined links to read more about these and see further examples of successful planning applications concerning both ancillary domestic buildings and development in sensitive historic locations.

March 2019
New side extension and porch approved in Hanley, Stoke-on-Trent.
En-Plan: Planning & Architecture were approached to solve the problems that had arisen with a planning application where communication between the Planners and the Applicant had broken down. En-Plan have subsequently gained full planning approval for a two-storey side extension and front porch.

October 2021
New residential use approved at former office block in Stoke on Trent.
En-Plan: Planning & Architetcure have secured planning permission for the change of use of a former office block to new residential use in Hanley, Stoke on Trent.
En-Plan ahve also recently been instructed to complete the technical detail for the conversion as part of the Bulding Control Phase.

February 2019
New "Architectural Visulaisation" page added to website.
En-Plan: Planning & Architecture have always provided architectural visualisation as part of our planning applications and we have completed a set of visulaisations for a new residential development in East Harling , Norfolk. The developer can then show the true value of the development prior to completion.

Aust 2023
New barn and holiday let unit approved in Haywood, Hereford.
En-Plan: Planning & Architetcure have secured planning permission for a new barn and stables, and a new holiday let unit in the Herefordhsire countryside.
The approval follows lengthy negotiation with the Council concerning material finsh and position of the units.

February 2019
Bungalow re-model approved in Wymondham, Norfolk.
En-Plan: Planning & Architetcure have secured planning permission for a complete bungalow re-model in Wymondham where a completely new firt floor will be added with two addtion al bedrooms and a single storey rear extension with a vaulted ceiling to the rear. Work on the build is set to start in the summer of 2019.

February 2018
Listed Building Conset at Bridge Terrace in Newport, Shropshire.
En-Plan: Planning & Architetcure have secured planning permission and listed building consent for internal alterations and conversion of the existing outbuilding to habitable accommodation and a games room at this Grage II Listed property in the historic centre of Newport, Shropshire.