Etruria Vale Road, Stoke on Trent, Staffordshire.
Loft conversion with dormers to the front and rear and new single storey rear extension to facilitate new utility and bathroom.
Following an initial planning appraisal a formal application was submitted to Stoke City Council Planning Department for a two-storey side extension , new porch to the front , and a loft conversion to allow for a new bedroom in the loft void. The improved internal space at groud fllor allows for a new kitchen and w.c. extension with the additon of a new bedroom at first flooor and the extension of the eixsting box room to become a doubel bedroom. The new stairwell to the loft coversion is included in this space and velux rooflights to the front and rear allow for light into the new bedroom. The extension will be set down and back from the front elevation to allow for a visual break between the main unit and extension and in line with best design practice.
The planning application has been assessed against relevant policies of the Adopted Stoke City Local Plan and other material considerations including those raised by consultees and third parties. The application is part-retrospective as planning permission has previously been granted for two storey side and rear extensions which have been partly completed, though not completed. This application sought a further front extension off the approved side extension and alterations to allow the loft to be converted to habitable space. The proposals that were originally submitted as part of this application were not deemed acceptable as officers considered that such a large addition at the front of the property would be incongruous in the streetscene.
Amendments were subsequently received to reduce the forward extension off the approved side extension to bring it flush with the original front facade of the house. The roofs of the proposed forward extension and porch have been altered to monopitched rather than the previously proposed hipped roofs. The amended proposals are now considered acceptable on balance in terms of design, amenity and highway safety and would deliver sustainable development in accordance with the NPPF. Given the above, the application is
recommended for approval subject to the conditions set out below.
En-Plan Planning & Architecture have a proven track record of delivering extensions and loft conversions. If you would like to find out more about how our Planning Consultancy and Architectural Design Services can work in perfect sync to achieve a successful outcome in the planning system please contact us and we will be only too happy to talk through any questions or development proposals you may have.

November, 2018
New basement and swimming pool approved in the Green Belt,
En-Plan: Planning & Architecture have secured planning approval for a new basement development and swimming pool in the Metropolitan Green Belt in Essex

July 2024
Bespoke extension compleetd in the West Midlands Green Belt.
En-Plan are pleased to showcase this completed extension which includes a new balcony and side extension in Belbroughton, near Bromsgorve, in Worcestershire.

November 2018
Bungalow re-model Planning Applicationapproved in Essex.
With alterations to the roof design and balconies added to the newly created first floor bedrooms this re-model in the Green Belt has now moved to the building regs phase.

February 2022
Side bedroom extension completed in Rubery in Birmingham.
Bimingham City Council have apporved ths cpompleted side extension which has now been built and which allows for a multitude of uses from a new bedroom to a study.

January 14, 2017
Planning Application for loft conversion with dormers in Shrewsbury, Shropshire.
Bespoke zinc clad dormers added to this planning application to give it a contemporary stylish look and open up the converted loft space at a property in Meole Brace.

March 2023
Garage and porch conversion approved in Field Lane in Kemberton.
En-Plan provided both the Planning and Building Regulations dawings for this new porch extension and garage conversion in the Shropshire village of Kemberton.