Melton Road, Wymondham, Norfolk
Bungalow re-model to include new first floor and rear extension.
Following an initial planning appraisal of the site a formal planning application was produced and submitted to South Norfolk Council Planning Department for consideration. A formal approval was forthcoming on 19.02,2019 and we look forward to progressing a full plans building regulations application for the client on this bungalow re-model that looks to add first floor accommodation and a bespoke single-storey rear extension to a full re-modeled property that looks to a more contemporary finish.
The existing dwelling is a single storey detached bungalow, situated within the development boundary of Wymondham. There is an existing part pitched roof, part flat-roofed rear extension and an existing detached garage on the southern boundary. The existing materials are brick and render to the walls, white uPVC windows and concrete tiles.
The proposal is for an extensive array of alterations including raising the roofline to allow for bedrooms in the loft space, a single storey rear extension and a side extension to create an integral garage. The proposed materials are mainly brick and render although exact details are to be provided later.
The alteration of the existing dwelling is acceptable in principle. As such the main considerations are design and impact upon residential amenity.
With reference to design the scale, form, choice of materials and overall design details differ considerably from the existing dwelling and the alterations will fundamentally alter the appearance of the dwelling in the street scene. The form of the extension has been assessed against other properties and alterations within the mixed street scene and while larger than the existing, it is not out of character with its surroundings. This is aided by the size of the plot on which it sits and the ability of this to accommodate the increase in size of the dwelling. In terms of height, the proposal is slightly higher than the dwelling to the north, and slightly lower than the dwelling to the south and therefore forms an acceptable step up.
With regard to the materials, the use of render is acceptable in the context of its surroundings. The exact roof tiles have not been specified and it has been requested to submit details at a later stage. A condition has therefore been included to reflect this.
An objection was received regarding loss of privacy and potential additional disturbance relating to the proposal, and its interaction with the southern boundary. These concerns specifically relate to the removal of the existing garage, boundary treatment, first floor side windows and the ground floor access door to the proposed integral garage.
With regard to the removal of the existing garage, this is proposed to allow room for the extension, however it is noted that the removal of this garage on its own does not require planning permission. A boundary fence can be erected to a height of 2 metres under permitted development regulations and as such I would consider that this element to be a civil matter that does not require a condition in this instance.
With regard to the proposed first floor side windows on the northern and southern elevations, although not serving a habitable space, there is potential for overlooking that would be unacceptable with regard to the aims of policy DM3.13. They are considered to be acceptable in design terms, so a condition has been included in the decision requiring these windows to be both obscured and fixed to protect the privacy of neighbours.
With regard to the proposed personnel door serving the garage on the southern elevation consideration has been given to its position and its associated potential for overlooking and disturbance within the context of its surroundings. In this instance it is considered that the potential for overlooking is low and would not constitute reason for refusal. It is considered that the potential for disturbance is also low compared to the existing location of the detached garage and its access. As such this element is considered acceptable within the context of policy DM3.13.
With regards to impact upon daylight, direct sunlight or outlook, the proposal is considered acceptable due to its position in relation to the neighbouring properties.
The proposal shortens the driveway but does include an integral garage. In addition to this there is sufficient space for off road parking and turning at the front of the property.
Under Section 143 of the Localism Act the council is required to consider the impact on local finances. This can be a material consideration but in the instance of this application the other material planning considerations detailed above are of greater significance.
CIL Liability - No, this application is liable for CIL under the Regulations, however, Cabinet resolved on 7/12/2015 to no longer apply CIL to domestic extensions
It is considered that the design acceptable within the context of its plot and the wider street scene and that the proposal will not have an adverse impact on the amenity of either the immediate neighbours or the wider area. As such the proposal accords with the criteria set out within policies DM3.13, DM3.4, DM3.8 and DM3.12 of the local plan and policy 2 of the Joint Core Strategy.
Post Planning Approval
Following apporval of the application En-Plan asissted in discharging planning conditions and assiting in making a non-material amendment to the approved application in order to refine the deisgn to the clients satisfaction. We also formaulated a full technicla set of drawisng for Building Regulations in order to obtain an approved specification for the build.
Discharge of condition 4 - Roof materials of planning permission 2018/2826
44 Melton Road Wymondham NR18 0DB
Ref. No: 2019/0622 | Received: Sat 16 Mar 2019 | Validated: Mon 18 Mar 2019 | Status: Decided
Non material amendment to permission 2018/2826 - fenestration changes and internal alterations
44 Melton Road Wymondham NR18 0DB
Ref. No: 2019/0719 | Received: Thu 28 Mar 2019 | Validated: Thu 28 Mar 2019 | Status: Decided
Further Information
If you would like to find out more about how our Planning Consultancy and Architectural Design Services can work in perfect sync to achieve a successful outcome in the planning system please contact us and we will be only too happy to talk through any questions or development proposals you may have.

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