Local Authority Decarbonisation Projects for Amersco ongoing in various locations across the United Kingdom as part of the nationwide response to global warming.
Following the declaration of a climate emergency En-Plan have been working with Ameresco to assist Local Authorities in de-carbonisation programmes throughout the United Kingdom. Tackling climate change is one of the world’s biggest challenges facing the world at present and we are proud to be playing our part. The next decade will be critical for protecting our environment, enhancing biodiversity, and ensuring that we create sustainable, resilient places and communities in all parts of the planet.
Central Government has decided that now is the time to strengthen the role of regional and local government in delivering international and national climate ambitions. Councils want to work as partners with Government to tackle climate change. They are integral to transitioning our places and empowering our communities and businesses to a net zero future and are well-placed to deliver transformative local action. This is through their many powers and responsibilities in housing, planning, transport, procurement and as convenors of local partners and residents. Local Authorities are beginning this process with their own estate of buildings to ensure they are using sustainable methods of energy generation wherever possible.
If we are to achieve the goals of the Paris Agreement and meet the UK’s net zero target by 2050, decarbonisation must happen in every place across the country and this will require local leadership.
One area where the Government is sadly lacking is energy efficiency. Whilst a huge effort has been made to decarbonise the electricity supply – with some considerable success – and good progress is being made on transport, there has been a much lower focus on energy efficiency of buildings. This is now starting to stand out as one of the key areas that has to be urgently addressed.
The problem in the UK is decades of poor building practices, which have resulted in virtually no building stock that will comply with the Climate Change Act 2008 targets. What En-Plan and Ameresco are doing is assisting local authorities in retro fitting sustainable methods of energy generation to civic buildings in order to reduce the carbon footprint and achieve the net zero figure by 2050.
If you would like to find out more about how our Planning Consultancy and Architectural Design Services can work in perfect sync to achieve a successful outcome in the planning system please contact us and we will be only too happy to talk through any questions or development proposals you may have.
Case Study: Installation of groundmounted solar array. | Land Adj To Cobham Hall Fleet Air Arm Museum Rnas Yeovilton Road Yeovilton Somerset BA22 8HW - Application Reference: 23/03067/FUL.
Site Context
The Planning Application site is a section of land to the north of Cobham Hall which is located very near to RNAS Yeovilton and the Fleet Air Arm Museum. The site does not fall within an Area of Special Designation but due to the proximity to the military aerodrome the site would be deemed sensitive to certain types of development. This application seeks consent for the erection of a ground mounted solar array, consisting of 7 south-oriented rows of panels of varying lengths of between approximately 22.5m and 37m.
Key Considerations
The proposed panels will be situated on a section of grassland to the north of Cobham Hall at the Fleet Air Arm Museum. The surrounding vicinity is characterised by industrial style buildings (given the context of the military complex of Yeovilton). The land is reasonably screened by roadside hedges to the west and the only visibility will be between the access gates to the site on the east boundary. By the nature of the solar panels, the development will be reasonably modest in height and the overall ground coverage is not considered to be excessive. Overall, it is considered that the development relates suitably to the host building, will blend appropriately with the established character of the site and shall not have a detrimental impact on the surrounding area. As such, the application is deemed to be acceptable to Policy EQ2 of South Somerset Local Plan (2006-2028) with regards to Visual Amenity.
Given the layout of the application site against the surrounding buildings as well as the moderate height of the
proposed solar array, it is not considered that the development shall give rise to any undue loss of light or privacy or cause an overbearing relationship with any residential dwellings. As such, it is considered that the development will not have a demonstrable harmful impact on the amenity of neighbouring residents and therefore is in accordance with Policy EQ2 of South Somerset Local Plan (2006-2028) with regards to residential amenity.
It is considered that there are no significant highways and access issues associated with the proposals and the application is therefore in accordance with Policies TA5 and TA6 of the Local Plan.
The proposed development was considered to be acceptable and planning permission is granted.

July 2022
Application to create new ecological resource submitted in Shropshire.
En-Plan: Planning & Architecture have submitted a planning application for a new ecological resource and fruit orchard in Criftins near Ellesmere in Shropshire.
En-Plan have worked alongside Design with Nature in order to ensure the development adds real value for the local environment.

April 2019
New kitchen extension recieevs approval in north Birmingham.
En-Plan: Planning & Architecture have received approval for a new bespoke kicthe extension in north Birmingham from Birmingham City Council which will add flexible accommodatiuon to a post war proeprty in Great Barr.
The extension utilises a victorian rooflight to add more natural light to the developemnt.

July 2022
Construction details for new outbuilding submitted to Telford Council.
En-Plan: Planning & Architecture have submitted technical build detail for anew outbuilding in Ironbridge in order to discharger a planning condition attached to the approval notice.
Please refer to our dedicated Building Regulations page for more examples of success in this field.

May 2023
Certificate of Lawfulness gains approval for extension at Meadow Farm.
En-Plan: Planning & Architecture have received approval for an extension at Meadow Farm in the Shropshire countryside.
En-Plan bypassed more stringent planning control by utilising permitted development rights and the Certificate of Lawfulness route avaialbe to all home owners.

June 2021
New seating area at The Commodore Hotel a real boost during lockdown.
En-Plan: Planning & Architecture have received photographs from the owner of this new six bed house in multiple occupation following Planning & Building Control approval which En-Plan delivered for the project in Shrewsbury, Shropshire. Please refer to our HMO page for more examples of success in this area.

July 2018
Listed Building Consent granted for alterations at 2 Bridge Terrace.
En-Plan: Planning & Architecture have obtained Listed Building Consent for conversion of an outbuilding to an annex.
Internal alterations to thsi Grade II Listed Building on Bridge Terrace in Newport were also apporved which saw the installation of new structural elements.