Planning Consultancy:
Advertisement Consent
En-Plan are able to advise you on a range of advertisement consent projects, no matter the scale of the project you proposing. The planning application process can be both complex and time consuming, we are here to help you through this.
In England, advertisement consent is generally required when displaying certain types of advertisements, as outlined by the Town and Country Planning (Control of Advertisements) (England) Regulations 2007. Advertisement consent is necessary if:
The advertisement is displayed on or over the highway, such as on a building facade facing a road, a billboard, or a free-standing sign near a road.
The advertisement is displayed on or attached to a building or structure that is visible from a road and exceeds certain size limits. The size limits can vary depending on the location and context, so it's important to refer to the specific local authority's guidelines.
The advertisement is illuminated, including internally illuminated signs, backlit signs, or LED signs.
The advertisement is displayed in a designated conservation area or on a listed building.
It's important to note that there are exemptions for certain types of advertisements that do not require advertisement consent. These exemptions include specific types of temporary advertisements, certain types of small signs, and specific categories of advertisements, such as those related to public notices, traffic signs, and certain types of signs for agricultural purposes.
However, it's recommended to consult the local planning authority or the specific local authority's website for comprehensive and up-to-date information on when advertisement consent is required in a particular area, as there may be local variations and additional regulations in place.
In England, there are several types of advertisement consent that may be required depending on the nature and location of the proposed advertisement. The specific types of consent can vary slightly between different local authorities, but generally, they include:
Express Advertisement Consent: This is the most common type of consent required for various types of advertisements. It covers a wide range of advertisements, such as shopfront signs, billboards, posters, banners, fascia signs, and illuminated signs.
Listed Building Advertisement Consent: If the property is a listed building, additional consent may be necessary for any advertisement that affects the building's character or appearance. This includes both external and internal advertisements.
Hoarding Advertisement Consent: When erecting temporary structures, such as hoardings or scaffolding, for the purpose of displaying advertisements, hoarding advertisement consent is typically required. This consent ensures that the temporary structures and associated advertisements meet the necessary requirements.
Advertisement Consent for Signs in Conservation Areas: If the proposed advertisement is located within a designated conservation area, specific consent may be needed to ensure that the sign design and placement are appropriate and preserve the area's character.
Advertisement Consent for Displaying Electronic or LED Signs: Electronic or LED signs typically require specific consent due to their dynamic and potentially intrusive nature. Local authorities may have specific guidelines and restrictions on the use of these types of signs.
It's important to note that the specific requirements and processes for obtaining advertisement consent can vary between different local authorities in England. It's advisable to consult the local planning authority or visit their website for detailed information on the types of advertisement consent required in a specific area.
To apply for advertisement consent in England, you will generally need to follow these steps:
Determine the relevant local planning authority (LPA): Identify the LPA responsible for the area where the advertisement will be displayed. This can usually be determined by contacting the local council or checking their website.
Gather necessary information: Collect all the required information and documentation for your advertisement consent application. This typically includes details such as the proposed advertisement design, dimensions, materials, location, and any supporting documents or plans.
Complete the application form: Obtain the advertisement consent application form from the LPA's website or request it directly from their planning department. Fill out the form with accurate and complete information. Some LPAs also offer the option to submit applications online through their planning portal.
Prepare supporting documents: Compile any supporting documents that may be required, such as site plans, elevation drawings, photographs, or any other relevant information specified by the LPA. Make sure to follow any guidelines provided by the LPA for the submission of supporting documents.
Pay the application fee: Check the LPA's website or contact their planning department to determine the applicable fee for the advertisement consent application. Pay the fee as instructed by the LPA, either by check, online payment, or any other accepted method.
Submit the application: Submit the completed application form, supporting documents, and payment to the LPA according to their submission guidelines. This can usually be done in person at the planning department office or through their online portal if available.
Application processing and determination: The LPA will review your application and assess it against relevant planning policies, regulations, and local guidelines. They may also consult with stakeholders or request additional information if necessary. The LPA will make a determination on the application and notify you of their decision within a specified timeframe.
It's important to note that the process and requirements may vary slightly between different local planning authorities. Therefore, it's advisable to consult the specific LPA's website or contact their planning department for detailed instructions and guidance on applying for advertisement consent in your particular area. En-Plan are more than happy to conduct all of the above on your behalf and ensure you gain gthe advertisemengt consent you reuire.
Case Study: SUBJECT: 1 x aluminium composite material (ACM) panel on powder coated poles.
SITE: Henffordd Farm, Old Hope Road, Penymynydd, Chester, CH4 0ES.
This advertisement consent application sought consent for the erection of one v shaped advertisement 3.15m x 4.50m in height. It is proposed to be Non illuminated and of aluminium powder coat finish, of black back ground colour, with green and white logo and text. The sign is proposed to be located within the grounds of the farm units now used for commercial and manufacturing units as former diversification of the agricultural building.
The guidance offered in Planning Policy Wales Ed 11 and Future Wales the National Development Plan (FWDP 2040) is generally permissive of such proposals where appropriate to highway safety and amenity and these provisions are reiterated in the relevant policies of the Flintshire Local Development Plan.
The main issues in the consideration of this application were the impact upon highway/pedestrian safety
and impact upon character and amenity. The highways officer has considered the proposed non illuminated V shaped sign, proposed to be located within the grounds of the commercial / industrial units (to advertise the presence of a commercial unit manufacturing garden rooms) and its potential impact upon the highway network. Highways raised no objections and do not intend to make a recommendation on highway grounds.
In terms of the impact the proposal is considered to have upon the character and amenity of the area as the site is commercial / industrial use the installation of one non illuminated v shaped sigh approx. It is proposed to be 3.15m in width and 4.50m in height. Constructed of aluminium powder coated sign on steel pole. The background colour of the sign is black, with green and white text and logo. The location, design and colour of the sign is considered appropriate to site and wider area.
The local ward member Cll A Ibbotson has objected to the proposal on the grounds of its scale and considers it to be overbearing and inconsistent with housing nearby and surrounding agricultural land and requested that the application for the sign as proposed is refused. Whilst he acknowledges other signs in the area such as at the Dobshill service Station he considers this site to be different in terms of the approach in to the village from Broughton and the intensity of the use of the site not being similar to Dobshill service station site. He is supportive of smaller scale signage at the site, reflecting the lower intensification of the use of the site.
Whilst the above comments are noted, the application as proposed is considered to be compliant with the above policies, it is not a highway distraction to the detriment of safety of highway users, neither is it considered to detrimental on amenity grounds. As such it is considered that in policy terms the signage is acceptable.
The standalone v shaped non illuminated sign is considered appropriate to the location and advertisement purpose compliant with policies PC 2 and PC 3 of the Flintshire Local Development Plan, conditional approval is recommended.
23/00955/ADV | Two illuminated fascia signs and one illuminated projecting sign. | 19 High Street Knutton Newcastle Under Lyme Staffordshire ST5 6BX
The application site is located within the urban area of Knutton as defined by the Local Development Proposals Framework Map. The application seeks retrospective advertisement consent for the installation of three illuminated signs. Paragraph 141 of the NPPF states that the quality and character of places can suffer when advertisements are poorly sited and designed. Advertisements should be subject to control only in the interests of amenity and public safety, taking account of cumulative impacts.
The application site comprises an end terrace property sited at the junction of Silverdale Street with High Street in Knutton. The ground floor of the property is host to a commercial business and these advertisement signs are to serve this unit. Two of the signs are on the front elevation of the building onto High Street in the form of a fascia sign and projecting box sign. The scale and position of the advertisements are considered to be acceptable and do not harm the visual amenities of the area.
The final sign in positioned on the west facing side elevation and features a rectangular fascia board fixed at a height level with the first floor windows. Whilst this sign does appear somewhat detached from the rest of the signage scheme and commercial frontage, its modest scale results in no real harm to the visual amenities of the area. On balance it is therefore considered that the design and siting of the advertisements is acceptable and would have no negative implications on the visual amenities of the area.
The signs are not considered to be harmful to public safety by virtue of its scale, location and absence of any illumination. The Highway Authority raise no objections but draw the applicants attention to the need to obtain consent from the authority given that the signs project over the public highway and thee is no impact on highways or access in the locality.
Further Information
Please contact us for a free no obligation consultation or email me on I look forward to talking through any proposals you may have.