West Side Close, Lowestoft, Suffolk.
Proposed Development: First floor side extension and Single-storey rear extension.
Following the initial consultation with the applicant a single-storey rear house extension was to be added and a first floor side extension over the existing garage in order to add an additional bedroom. The front elevation was to be pushed out to sit level with the existing converted garage and a new pitched roof added over in order to link the extensions visually with the main unit and main roof line.
The planning application sough the erection of a single-storey extension to the front and rear and a two-storey extension to the side of this detached house, over a converted former attached garage. The property is situated on the northern side of West Side Close, which contains an approximate 50/50 mix of detached two storey houses and detached bungalows, all of which share similar 1970's architecture and palate of materials.
The 0.9m frontward extension is to provide increased lounge space and replace the existing flat roof projection with a continuous pitched roof along the entirety of the frontage. The sideward (first floor) extension enables the provision of a further (fifth) bedroom with en-suite bathroom. The rearward extension seeks to provide a combined kitchen and dining space, increasing existing kitchen and dining room provision by approximately one third.
The proposed first floor extension has a ridge that is set below the main ridge of the existing house and the setback from the front elevation results in a suitably-scaled and subordinate design. Two additional windows are proposed in the rear at first floor level but are not considered to impact significantly on neighbours given the existing levels of overlooking. The proposed rear extension projects some 1.4m from the rear elevation of the property and is only single-storey with a pitched roof thereby having no noticeable impact on the amenity of the adjacent occupiers.
The roof tiles and facing brick of the extensions are proposed to match the main roof and facing brick of the existing dwelling. The design of the extensions is considered to be in keeping with the host building. Furthermore, none of the extensions proposed has a detrimental impact upon either the street scene or the amenities of occupants of surrounding residential properties. With the is in mind thne Council found gthe propsoed house extension to be acceptable and granetd permission.
If you would like to discuss any extension ideas you may have please contact us for a free no obligation initial consultation and let us help you unlock the development potential in your property. One of the main questions we are asked is whether you will need permission for your extension. To answwer this question we would undertake a planning appraisal to assess whether wyou would need to submit a householder planning application, a Prior Approval Application, or indeed a Certificate fo Lawfulness Application which can all be utilsied depending on the size of the propsoed extension and whether you are in a Conservation Area or your house is listed. Once we have decided on the right application we can formulate the plans and digital mapping required and submit for you.
Post approval we can assist with Building Control adn making any amendments required due to budegt or design requirements.
Please call us on 07931 541 804 for a free no obligation consultation or email me on simon@en-plan.co.uk. I look forward to talking through any proposals you may have.